January 27, 2019 at 4:43 pm
Michaela Aycock
Arms 1/27/19
Ez bar cable press down
Sets of 15-12 increasing weight each until I reached a set I failed at 7
Close grip barbell press
Spotter would have been nice here but didn’t have one
185 x 4 I’ll improve this!
155 x 6, 2, 1 rest pause set
Seated dB overhead ext
80x 8
80x 6
Pin loaded hammer ext machine
2 sets 15-12 rep range
Weighted dips
Bodyweight x 10
+ 25 x 10
+ 45 x 8, drop to bodyweight
Pin loaded preacher curl
2 sets 20-12 rep range
DB hammer curl
35’s x 20ish
35’s x 15, drop to 25’s, drop to 15’s
Reverse grip ez bar curl
60x 7 + drop set all the way back down