Off Season Starting Nutrition – October 6, 2018
Off training days: Remove banana from pre meal, remove pre/intra powders
Replace meal 5 or 6 with cheat meal on both off days the night prior to legs
Morning Shake: greens supplement, glutamine, endefen, natural calm, ACV, lemon
Sea Salt all meals
Chicken, beef, rice, potato measured cooked weight
Meal one:
1 english muffin
12g PB2
50g Banana
80g chicken
150g egg whites
pepper/onion mix
Meal two: (pre training)
50g carbs from cereal or cream of rice
50g banana
35g whey isolate
Meal three: (post training)
140g jasmine rice
112g extra lean beef or steak
Meal four:
112g chicken
140g jasmine rice
green beans
Meal five:
112g chicken
1 food for life tortilla
pepper/onion mix
Meal six:
200g organic non fat plain greek yogurt
12g PB2
20g whey isolate
100g any fruit
Diet update: Oct 25
Leg days only
Pre training meal: add 25g carbs
Post training meal: change rice to 210g grams
Diet update: Nov 20
Daily base
Meal one: Add one whole egg and one extra English muffin (45g carbs from bread total)
Post training meal: change rice to 180g
Meal six: Add 16g almond butter and 50g more of fruit
I’ve recently stopped having the cheat meals be a main stay on off days prior to legs, as I have just felt its not needed, but there if I want it.